Embracing the Truth About Your Life’s Impact

Purpose & legacy.

These are two words that drive us to pursue our passions and to do meaningful work during our lifetimes.

But if you are like most people, you have probably asked yourself at some point, does what I do actually matter?

The frustrating and somewhat mysterious part about purpose and legacy is that you may not know the impact of your life while you are in the land of the living.

There are some things that you set out to do that may not bear fruit in your lifetime.

For instance, you might have a goal of spreading kindness throughout the world.

But there is no way to really measure just how long it would take to see kindness prevail in the world.

However, this reality should not discourage us from trying to pursue missions like these.

If you could just shift one person’s perspective and cause them to see the value of being kind, then your work was worthwhile.

So, while it may be tempting to look to the unknown future and lose hope about the impact of your life’s work, whatever that cause may be, you have to keep going.

Future generations of people you may never meet will benefit from your willingness to keep going despite the odds and the obstacles.

You serve a purpose.

You are necessary and what you contribute to the world does make a difference.

Take comfort in this gentle reminder today.

2 thoughts on “Embracing the Truth About Your Life’s Impact

  1. I hope you will apply this principle to YOUR life, too: “You are necessary and what you contribute to the world does make a difference.” Thanks for the reminder. Never doubt it!! ❤️👏🏽

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