How to Combat a Scarcity/Abandonment Mindset

Sometimes even with the best life circumstances, you can have a scarcity/abandonment mindset.

You might worry that there won’t be enough of some resource that you have need of.

So that causes you to hoard it and hold on to it tightly.

In addition to that, you might fear that if you get close to people, you will lose them.

I pair these two together because I believe at the root, they both have in common the fear of loss.

Now to be fair, loss is a part of life. It may not be a catastrophic loss, but there are moments throughout your lifetime where you may lose something or someone.

In my experience, the fear of loss is what causes you to cling to people or things.

Due to fear of abandonment, you might have a hard time maintaining healthy relationships because you fear losing someone if you get close to them.

So how can we combat these two issues??

The key to addressing these issues is to trust that God is your provider and remember that He promised never to leave you or forsake you.

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.
-Philippians 4:19 (NLT)

.... For God has said,
“I will never fail you.

I will never abandon you.
-Hebrews 13:5b (NLT)

Bottom Line?

The people in this world may disappoint you.

The people in this world may leave you when you need them the most.

However, you have to keep reminding yourself of God’s character and His nature.

You have to believe that God, the blesser doesn’t run out of blessings.

Man’s favor and resources are limited.

But God’s favor and resources are unlimited.

You have to understand that God not only makes promises, but He keeps them.

He won’t let us down.

He won’t leave us ever.

He means what He says.

You can stand on His word.

You can rest assured that whether you are in need of His provision or His constant friendship, He will come through.

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