Team No Cookie Cutter

As a believer in God, it can be all too easy to look at someone else’s relationship with God and aspire to have what they have with God.

This can go left really quickly.

The reality is that just like with our relationships and friendships with each other, someone else’s relationship with God can appear one way but be something totally different behind closed doors.

You also don’t know what they had to go through to be that close to God.

Truthfully, when your life is going well, you may have a pretty good relationship with God.

But when trials and tribulations come, that’s when your faith is truly tested, and you begin to understand just how close you truly are to your creator.

That’s why I truly feel that it is important to focus on how you relate to God.

It is okay if your relationship with God is not like other people’s relationship with Him.

Consider this: parents may have multiple children but their relationships with all of them may be completely different because they are all different people.

It is the same way with God.

Every child of God is different.

So, the way we relate to our heavenly father is different.

He is not surprised by anything about us.

Some of us became closer to God later in life due to life circumstances.

Some people grew up in church and that way of life is all they have ever known.

Others may fall somewhere in between.

But no matter where you find yourself in the spectrum, the level of intimacy and the bond you have with God will grow with time, consistency, devotion, and patience.

Whatever you do, don’t judge your relationship with God or compare it to anyone else’s.

You don’t have the same life as that person.

Simply focus on the relationship that you want to have with God, and everything else will fall into place.

P.S.: June is Men’s Mental Health Month. Just in time for the end of this month, I am presenting my latest episode of the podcast!

When it comes to relationships, there are certain issues that may arise; one of them being depression. Tune in to this impactful conversation that I had with my friend Franklin Riley about managing mental health in relationships. Franklin Riley is a husband, a father, and a mental health advocate.

Be sure to catch up with Franklin on YouTube and on Facebook at lifewithfranklin and on Instagram at Franklin Riley.

Click here to listen to the episode!

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